Sunday, August 1, 2010


Money boxesImage via Wikipedia
Well, I sat down this weekend and did what all the financial experts tell you to do.  I made a list of my expenses and debts, including interest rates.  I was not a happy camper.  Are you supposed to have an anxiety attack immediately afterward?   And every time you look at the sheet?  I wish I could say I was relieved to find that things weren't as bad as I had thought.  But, they WERE as bad as I thought.  Maybe I should be glad things aren't worse than I thought.  Anyway, I made a budget to try to start paying stuff off.  Well, to my horror and disgust, after bill paying, there was very little left for any incidentals- like buying school supplies or saving.  Aargh!  So I decided to find ANYTHING I could cut out.  I actually found a couple of things we can do without, at least temporarily.  And that did ease the palpitations a bit.  A bit.

Unfortunately, that means that I will have to be extremely cheap frugal  as I go about decorating my home.  I already knew this, but it looks like I'll have to be even cheaper than I first thought!  Every dollar has to count.  That means dedication to coupon clipping, discount shopping, and bargain hunting.  But, where to start?  It seems the best place to start is with the grocery bill.    That's where most SAHM's can begin to cut corners. If you want-or need- to tackle this task for your family, you can join me.  Check your newspaper and any circulars you get.  Another good place to look is and Deal seeking mom, which helps let you know what specific deals are in your area.  I use the CVS deals the most since I have to go there for prescriptions anyway.  I'll be on the lookout for any other websites offering useful deals or advice too. Any suggestions are welcome.

So, the first step away from the Border is to see how close you are to it.  It is quite unpleasant (believe me), but it really has to be done.  Write it out.  Then, after you have a drink, or a few drinks, or a pill, you can come back and look for things you can do without for a while.  Its a start.  And we all have to start somewhere.
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