Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Painted chandelier

I finally finished a project that I have been meaning to get to for months.  I got the idea to paint my hated chandelier from the other wonderful  blogs I stalk regularly.  The ladies out there are so talented and creative!  I can only wish.... 

I had already bought the supplies, so I don't have any idea why I waited until it was nice and cold in the garage before I did it.  Here's the chandelier before- all brassy and bugging me...
First I took the lights off and used painters tape to cover the light sockets.  Then I cleaned it and primed it with spray primer.  Finally, I painted a nice satin black.

  I still haven't decided if I like it better with the glass covers or without.  I plan to paint all the trim white and the walls another color.

I'm very happy with t he result.  It took 2 days because of drying time.  It was a really fun project, and only cost me a few bucks.  I think paint is going to be a good friend.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what a little paint can do! Awesome transformation! I personally like without the glass covers. ;)
