Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's hiding in there?

We continue to slowly...slowly...slowly make our house into a home.  So, this weekend we decided to attack our tiny half bath.  It would be something quick.  It would be easy.  We could get a quick sense of accomplishment to motivate us onward to tackle more and bigger projects.  No sweat, right!  Eh, not so fast.   We already painted, so we wanted to install new flooring.  Right now two bathrooms and the kitchen and hall are this worn out sheet vinyl that I can't keep clean.  We decided on vinyl plank flooring from Lowes that looks like wood.  It's durable, waterproof, relatively inexpensive, and it looks nice.  Had great reviews on Lowes site. Well, gotta move that toilet, right?  So, hubbs pulls it out and what do we find?

Yes, water that was apparently seeping under the vinyl.  This is as it's drying.  It was worse at first.  So, how long has it been leaking?  Who knows.  I'm just glad the floor didn't rot.   Where did the water come from you ask?  From the lovely leaking toilet.  The one with the rusted thingy underneath.  I don't know what it's called.  Well, now the thingy must be replaced.  And by the way- the toilet had to be broken to get it out because the bolts rusted and couldn't be taken out.  YAY!  So, bye-bye toilet.  Woo. Hoo.
Thank God we still had the old toilet we took out of our master bath.  There was no money left for a new toilet.  The budget is tighter than a tick on a fat dog.  Luckily, our supplies only cost about $40.  The Hubbs is working on that bathroom as I type. Why do simple little projects often blossom once you've started them?  I wish the flowers in the yard would blossom as much.  Anyway, I'm glad it wasn't a disaster. After pics coming soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Every day faith

Cross-in-Chimayo-AreaImage by Glen's Pics via Flickr
A couple of days ago, I saw a movie called Facing Giants.  It was about a coach who was going through a really rough time in his life- he was in danger of getting fired because of his losing team, he and his wife couldn't have a baby, etc.  He turned to God, and began to really apply his faith on and off the field.  That really struck a chord with me.  It made me thing about how I can apply my faith in my daily life.  I think its a challenge because I am home with the kids all day.  But, it seems that living out my faith has more to do with my attitude and subsequent actions than on actions alone.  So, I must go about my day doing my everyday tasks with the attitude of serving the Lord in my present station.    As I thought about it, I have not been living out my faith as I think I should.  Church on Sunday is fine, but it's how I live my life daily that is the real deal.  And that's what will show God's work in my life.  So many people compartmentalize their faith and the rest of their lives.  I question if such people are who they think they are.  In Matthew 7, Jesus talks about knowing others by their fruit.  True faith should permeate every aspect of your life.  In my observation, it's those Christians who exercise their faith on a daily basis in every part of their lives that God uses to do incredible things.  If I have the right attitude, and act on that, then I will produce good fruit.  Even if it's only in my little corner of the world. And God can do incredible things on a grand scale, or in one little life like mine.
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